RPD_ASSERT_SOFT An internal routing protocol daemon check has failed, and the process generated a core-dump file. The problem related to this syslog message is described in the following sections: Messages similar to the following are reported in the system log, and the device generates a core-dump. rpd[1337]: RPD_ASSERT_SOFT: Soft assertion failed rpd[1337]: file … [Read more...]
‘RPD_KRT_Q_RETRIES: Route Update: No buffer space available’
The routing protocol daemon (RPD) sends updates to the kernel to maintain the current status of the routing tables. This article provides information about the RPD_KRT_Q_RETRIES: Route Update: No buffer space available error message. Name: RPD_KRT_Q_RETRIES Message: <reason>: <error-message> Help: The attempt to update the kernel has failed. … [Read more...]
RPD_KRT_KERNEL_BAD_ROUTE As it restarted, the routing protocol process (rpd), which controls the routing protocols that run on the router, could not process a route obtained from the kernel because the route contained references to objects that are no longer valid. The RPD_KRT_KERNEL_BAD_ROUTE message is logged each time the routing protocol process is not able to process a … [Read more...]
RPD_OSPF_NBRDOWN An OSPF adjacency with the indicated neighboring router was terminated. The local router no longer exchanges routing information with, or directs traffic to, the neighboring router. This message is generated by the routing protocol process (rpd) which controls the routing protocols that run on the router. The RPD_OSPF_NBRDOWN message is logged each time an … [Read more...]
This article describes the following syslog message: RPD_OS_MEMHIGH This log message indicates that the routing protocol daemon (rpd) is running out of memory. The routing protocol daemon (rpd) is using too much Routing Engine memory. The message includes the amount and percentage of Routing Engine memory used, as shown in the example below: RPD_OS_MEMHIGH: Using … [Read more...]
This article explains why the event message RPD_KRT_Q_RETRIES appears in the syslog. An RPD_KRT_Q_RETRIES message is sent to the log file each time the routing protocol daemon (RPD) fails to update the kernel. The routing protocol daemon continues retrying. When a major change occurs, the routing protocol daemon (RPD) sends updates to the kernel to maintain the … [Read more...]
Cannot perform nh operation ADDANDGET nhop (null) type unilist index .* errno .*
This article describes the following syslog message: rpd[91675]: Cannot perform nh operation ADDANDGET nhop (null) type unilist index .* errno .* Note: This log message is harmless, and is for debugging purposes only. This is a generic log message. It does not represent any error on the network. Note: This log message is harmless, and is for debugging purposes … [Read more...]