The routing protocol process (rpd), which controls the routing protocols that run on the router, received a dynamic configuration request with an unexpected operation code. This system log message is no longer documented as of JunOS 9.5 and later. This only applies to the MX platform. The problem related to this syslog message is described in the following sections: The … [Read more...]
The routing protocol process (rpd) tried to acknowledge a dynamic configuration request and failed. RPD_DYN_CFG messages are for subscriber management so they only apply to the MX platform. Messages similar to the following will appear in the log messages file: RPD_DYN_CFG_SCHEMA_OPEN_FAILED: Could not open configuration schema: <error-message> Sample messages are as … [Read more...]
The routing protocol process (rpd) failed to create the indicated child process. When an RPD_TASK_FORK error occurs, a message similar to the following is reported: RPD_TASK_FORK: Unable to fork <task-name>: <error-message> The message occurs when rpd could not create the child process. Examine the following output to help determine the cause of this … [Read more...]
RPD_ASSERT_SOFT An internal routing protocol daemon check has failed, and the process generated a core-dump file. The problem related to this syslog message is described in the following sections: Messages similar to the following are reported in the system log, and the device generates a core-dump. rpd[1337]: RPD_ASSERT_SOFT: Soft assertion failed rpd[1337]: file … [Read more...]