What is docker volume command? Volumes are the preferred mechanism for persisting data generated by and used by Docker containers. While bind mounts are dependent on the directory structure and OS of the host machine, volumes are completely managed by Docker. ... You can manage volumes using Docker CLI commands or the Docker API. How can I see docker volumes? We can … [Read more...]
What is rsync command Linux?
What is rsync command Linux? rsync or remote synchronization is a software utility for Unix-Like systems that efficiently sync files and directories between two hosts or machines. ... Copying/syncing to/from another host over any remote shell like ssh, rsh. How do I use rsync in Linux? Syntax of rsync command:-v, u2013verbose Verbose output.-q, u2013quiet suppress … [Read more...]
What is the difference between ARG and ENV Docker?
What is the difference between ARG and ENV Docker? ENV is for future running containers. ARG for building your Docker image. ... ENV is mainly meant to provide default values for your future environment variables. What is Arg in a Dockerfile? You can use the ARG command inside a Dockerfile to define the name of a parameter and its default value. This default value can … [Read more...]
How do I give user access to Jenkins?
How do I give user access to Jenkins? Essentially you do this:Go to Jenkins -x26gt; Manage Jenkins -x26gt; Configure Global Security.Check x26quot;Enable securityx26quot;.Set x26quot;Jenkins own user databasex26quot; as security realm.Check x26quot;Allow users to sign upx26quot;Choose x26quot;Matrix based securityx26quot;Check x26quot;Overall readx26quot; on Anonymous.Add … [Read more...]
What is the date format in Unix?
What is the date format in Unix? ...Bash date format options.Date Format OptionMeaningExample Outputdate +%m-%d-%YMM-DD-YYYY date05-09-2020date +%DMM/DD/YY date format05/09/2020 more rowsx26bull;02-Oct-2020 How do I format a date in Linux? These are the most common formatting characters for the date command:%D u2013 Display date as mm/dd/yy.%Y u2013 Year (e.g., 2020)%m … [Read more...]
How to Put Camera Roll Pictures on Snapchat Story | Steps to Upload Pictures to Snapchat Story
Snapchat is the viral new app that everyone is using to have real-time conversations by clicking pictures and editing them. But did you know that you can also upload a picture on Snapchat that you have clicked before or one that you have downloaded? Also, you can Make a Public Profile on Snapchat within few simple steps and flaunt your talent publically. Sure, you can … [Read more...]
Check if a string contains a string in C++
Use std::string::find as follows: if (s1.find(s2) != std::string::npos) { std::cout … [Read more...]
How do I get a YouTube video thumbnail from the YouTube API?
Each YouTube video has four generated images. They are predictably formatted as follows: https://img.youtube.com/vi//0.jpg https://img.youtube.com/vi//1.jpg https://img.youtube.com/vi//2.jpg https://img.youtube.com/vi//3.jpg The first one in the list is a full size image and others are thumbnail images. The default thumbnail image (i.e., one of 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg) … [Read more...]
application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data?
TL;DR Summary; if you have binary (non-alphanumeric) data (or a significantly sized payload) to transmit, use multipart/form-data. Otherwise, use application/x-www-form-urlencoded. The MIME types you mention are the two Content-Type headers for HTTP POST requests that user-agents (browsers) must support. The purpose of both of those types of requests is to send a list of … [Read more...]
What does enctype=’multipart/form-data’ mean?
When you make a POST request, you have to encode the data that forms the body of the request in some way. HTML forms provide three methods of encoding. application/x-www-form-urlencoded (the default) multipart/form-data text/plain Work was being done on adding application/json, but that has been abandoned. (Other encodings are possible with HTTP requests generated using other … [Read more...]