This article provides information on how to simultaneously connect one user from different locations to the same SRX device by using multiple Junos Pulse connections.
Currently, Junos Pulse does not have the support for allowing multiple connections from the same user.
When a user tries to logon by using his/her credentials via Junos Pulse, SRX allows the connection. But when that user tries to establish a second connection, when the first connection is still present, it drops both connections or drops the first connection and connects the second one. But a concurrent connection does not work, as this feature is not yet supported.
Currently SRX does not support two connections from the same user via only one IKE gateway. You have to create two different gateways and then tie the lab user to each IKE gateway.
SRX configuration:
1. Create the access profile for the lab user:
[edit] root@FSB-BYRON-SRX210# show access | display set set access profile dyn-vpn-access-profile client lab firewall-user password "$9$ZfDH.QF/0BEP5BEcyW8ZUjHP5" set access firewall-authentication web-authentication default-profile dyn-vpn-access-profile
2. Create two separate IKE gateways and tie the lab user to each gateway:
[edit] root@FSB-BYRON-SRX210# show security ike | display set set security ike policy ike-dyn-vpn-policy mode aggressive set security ike policy ike-dyn-vpn-policy proposal-set standard set security ike policy ike-dyn-vpn-policy pre-shared-key ascii-text "$9$XfJNVYJGifT3goT369OBxNd" set security ike gateway dyn-vpn-local-gateway-1 ike-policy ike-dyn-vpn-policy set security ike gateway dyn-vpn-local-gateway-1 dynamic hostname dynvpn < Notice the hostname here set security ike gateway dyn-vpn-local-gateway-1 dynamic connections-limit 10 set security ike gateway dyn-vpn-local-gateway-1 dynamic ike-user-type group-ike-id set security ike gateway dyn-vpn-local-gateway-1 external-interface fe-0/0/4.0 set security ike gateway dyn-vpn-local-gateway-1 xauth access-profile dyn-vpn-access-profile set security ike gateway dyn-vpn-local-gateway-2 ike-policy ike-dyn-vpn-policy set security ike gateway dyn-vpn-local-gateway-2 dynamic hostname test1 < Notice the new hostname here set security ike gateway dyn-vpn-local-gateway-2 dynamic connections-limit 10 set security ike gateway dyn-vpn-local-gateway-2 dynamic ike-user-type group-ike-id set security ike gateway dyn-vpn-local-gateway-2 external-interface fe-0/0/4.0 set security ike gateway dyn-vpn-local-gateway-2 xauth access-profile dyn-vpn-access-profile
3. Create two separate IPsec VPNs and tie each of them to the separate IKE gateways that were created in Step 1:
[edit] root@FSB-BYRON-SRX210# show security ipsec | display set set security ipsec policy ipsec-dyn-vpn-policy proposal-set standard set security ipsec vpn dyn-vpn ike gateway dyn-vpn-local-gateway-1 set security ipsec vpn dyn-vpn ike ipsec-policy ipsec-dyn-vpn-policy set security ipsec vpn dyn-vpn-2 ike gateway dyn-vpn-local-gateway-2 set security ipsec vpn dyn-vpn-2 ike ipsec-policy ipsec-dyn-vpn-policy
4. Define the clients under the dynamic VPN stanza:
root@FSB-BYRON-SRX210# show | display set | match dynamic set security dynamic-vpn access-profile dyn-vpn-access-profile set security dynamic-vpn clients client1 remote-protected-resources set security dynamic-vpn clients client1 remote-exceptions set security dynamic-vpn clients client1 ipsec-vpn dyn-vpn set security dynamic-vpn clients client1 user lab set security dynamic-vpn clients client2 remote-protected-resources set security dynamic-vpn clients client2 remote-exceptions set security dynamic-vpn clients client2 ipsec-vpn dyn-vpn-2 set security dynamic-vpn clients client2 user lab
Junos Pulse configuration:
- Logon to the PC and start the Junos Pulse client.
- Go to File > Connections > Forget Saved Settings.
- Create the connection by clicking the + symbol.
- Type the SRX URL (that is IP address).
- Click Connect. You will be prompted for the username and password twice. When the credentials are provided twice, it will connect.
- Repeat the process from a different PC by using the same user credentials.
[edit] root@FSB-BYRON-SRX210# show security policies | display set set security policies default-policy permit-all [edit] root@FSB-BYRON-SRX210# run show security ike security-associations Index State Initiator cookie Responder cookie Mode Remote Address 7495974 UP 71b277f5871bb686 98ede9dceafd0b09 Aggressive 7495973 UP 48376a740ce5963e 949e8f6c0e766514 Aggressive [edit] root@FSB-BYRON-SRX210# run show security ipsec security-associations Total active tunnels: 2 ID Algorithm SPI Life:sec/kb Mon vsys Port Gateway <133955591 ESP:aes-128/sha1 58141aba 3488/ 500000 - root 500 >133955591 ESP:aes-128/sha1 59e130c2 3488/ 500000 - root 500 <133955592 ESP:aes-128/sha1 d154504d 3482/ 500000 - root 500 >133955592 ESP:aes-128/sha1 b53cfd86 3482/ 500000 - root 500 root@FSB-BYRON-SRX210> show security dynamic-vpn users User: lab , Number of connections: 2 Remote IP: IPSEC VPN: dyn-vpn IKE gateway: dyn-vpn-local-gw IKE ID : labdynvpn IKE Lifetime: 28800 IPSEC Lifetime: 3600 Status: CONNECTED Remote IP: IPSEC VPN: dyn-vpn-2 IKE gateway: dyn-vpn-local-gw-2 IKE ID : labtest1 IKE Lifetime: 28800 IPSEC Lifetime: 3600 Status: CONNECTED
The protected resources that are defined in the access profile are
The pinging of the SRX interface address ( is successful:
C:\Users\lab>ping -t Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=4ms TTL=64 Reply from bytes=32 time=4ms TTL=64 Reply from bytes=32 time=4ms TTL=64 Reply from bytes=32 time=4ms TTL=64 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 4ms, Maximum = 4ms, Average = 4ms Control-C ^C
The pinging of the SRX interface address ( fails, as expected, as it is not part of the allowed resources via SRX:
C:\Users\lab>ping -t Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from Destination host unreachable. Request timed out. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Request timed out. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Request timed out. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Request timed out. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Request timed out. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Request timed out. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Request timed out. Reply from Destination host unreachable. Request timed out.
Refer to the following images: