This article provides information on how to setup an Android debugging environment. This environment allows you to obtain verbose logs and take screenshots of your handheld device.
To capture verbose logging output and/or screenshots of an Android device.
Note: Each step will point you to a download location and/or install guide. Install as per the order.
1. Install Eclipse Classic via the following link:
2. Install the latest JDK (Java Development Kit) via the following link:
3. Install the latest Android SDK via the following links:
Note: Accept the request to update, after the installation is complete, if prompted.
4. Install and configure the ADT (Android Development Tools) plugin for Eclipse via the following link:
Note: Refer to the Configuring the ADT Plugin section after installing ADT.
5. Prepare your mobile device for debugging:
Note: Obtain a specialized USB driver from the mobile device manufacturer to communicate with the ADB (Android Debug Bridge). For more information about ADB, refer to the following link:
6. For information on how to use DDMS (Dalvik Debug Monitor Server) and LogCat in Eclipse, refer to the following link:
Note: Verbose output from the LogCat window is required, when the error is replicated. Additionally, note the time when the error was replicated on the device, so it can be matched with the timestamps in the LogCat output.