The RTLOGD_LOG_READ_ENABLE_ERROR message is reported into the system message file whenever whenever the J-series Services Router (JSR) log daemon could not enable reading of JSR logs. This article documents an approach to troubleshoot this problem.
This message is generated by the system log utility for real-time processing of packets for security control (rtlogd) on routers running the Junos with Enhanced Services. Enhanced services is currently only supported on J-series and SRX routers.
The RTLOGD_LOG_READ_ENABLE_ERROR message is logged each time the JSR log daemon could not enable reading of JSR logs.
When the RTLOGD_LOG_READ_ENABLE_ERROR event occurs, a message similar to the following is reported:
RTLOGD_LOG_READ_ENABLE_ERROR: evSelectFD failed for socket to PFE: <error-message>
The message includes the error returned by the function call.
The cause is likely due to a software issue within the JSR log daemon.
Examine the following output to help determine the cause of this message:
show log messages show log rtlogd
Look for any related events that occurred at or just before the RTLOGD_LOG_READ_ENABLE_ERROR message. Any other events may have caused this message, such as a commit. If so, the rtlogd error may be due to that one type of event occurring.
Perform these steps:
- During a maintenance window, as it will impact transit traffic, try restarting the router with the command: request system reboot. For more information on this command, see the request system reboot command reference.
- If the read enable error messages return after restarting, open a case with Juniper technical support representative to investigate the issue further.