The L2TPD_SERVER_START_FAILED message is reported when the Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) server did not start.
L2TP facilitates the tunneling of PPP packets across an intervening network in a way that is as transparent as possible to both end-users and applications. The startup of the L2TP server failed to start.
These errors are caused when L2TP cannot bind to the port that the SNMP daemon was sending traps to. Below is an example of the messages:
L2TPD_SERVER_START_FAILED: L2TP: Cannot start L2TP server L2TP_DEFAULT_PROTO_CREATE_FAILED: l2tpd: could not create L2TP module jnp_l2tp_server_start: Could not create L2TP server
These errors may be seen when an AIS (Advanced Insight Script) has been added or updated. The errors may also be seen if the UDP port is being used by another application intended for L2TP.
Examine the following outputs to help determine the cause of this message:
show log l2tpd show log messages
Look for any related events that occurred with or just before the L2TPD_SERVER_START_FAILED message.
Perform these steps to troubleshoot the issue:
- Investigate the L2TP server side of the connection to see if any changes have been made or if they are having any issues with the server.
- In the show log messages output, examine the messages before and after the L2TPD_SERVER_START_FAILED event message.
- Review the output of show log l2tpd for tunneling protocol process information.
- Troubleshoot the L2TP connection using show services l2tp tunnel brief and show services l2tp session brief, which show the connection state. If the L2TPD is down on the router, it can be reactivated using the command: activate services l2tp tunnel-group <name>
- For additional L2TP troubleshooting, enable the L2TP traceoptions using “edit services l2tp traceoptions“. For more information, refer to traceoptions (L2TP).
- If the problem is still not resolved, contact your technical support representative. Be sure to include all the logs listed above including, L2TP trace options for continued research.