Python has a keyboard module with many features. Install it, perhaps with this command:
pip3 install keyboard
Then use it in code like:
import keyboard # using module keyboard
while True: # making a loop
try: # used try so that if user pressed other than the given key error will not be shown
if keyboard.is_pressed(‘q’): # if key ‘q’ is pressed
print(‘You Pressed A Key!’)
break # finishing the loop
break # if user pressed a key other than the given key the loop will break
For those who are on windows and were struggling to find an working answer here’s mine: pynput
from pynput.keyboard import Key, Listener
def on_press(key):
print(‘{0} pressed’.format(
def on_release(key):
print(‘{0} release’.format(
if key == Key.esc:
# Stop listener
return False
# Collect events until released
with Listener(
on_release=on_release) as listener:
The function above will print whichever key you are pressing plus start an action as you release the ‘esc’ key. The keyboard documentation is here for a more variated usage.
Markus von Broady highlighted a potential issue that is: This answer doesn’t require you being in the current window to this script be activated, a solution to windows would be:
from win32gui import GetWindowText, GetForegroundWindow
current_window = (GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()))
desired_window_name = “Stopwatch” #Whatever the name of your window should be
#Infinite loops are dangerous.
while True: #Don’t rely on this line of code too much and make sure to adapt this to your project.
if current_window == desired_window_name:
with Listener(
on_release=on_release) as listener: