Global Configurations
- Access and utilize the router to set basic parameters (including: CLI/SDM) To begin router configurations, click the Configure button at the top of the Home page.
Figure 9.5 shows the main Configure page of the SDM. The Configure tab has a vertical sidebar with more clickable options that are called Tasks. They include Interfaces and Connections, Firewall and ACL, VPN, Security Audit, Routing, NAT, Intrusion Prevention, Quality of Service, NAC, and Additional Tasks.
Changing the Hostname, Banner, Domain Name, and Secret Password From the Configure page, click Additional Tasks in the left vertical sidebar. The Additional Tasks page opens, as shown in Figure 9.6. It has a list of additional tasks and a list of device properties. When expanded, Router Properties shows a few configurable items, including hostname, domain name, banner, and the enable secret password.
Double-click any of the item names to open a new window, as shown in Figure 9.7. Here you can change the router’s hostname, domain name, banner, and secret password all in one window.
This window has two tabs. On the Device tab, click in each field and enter the desired Host (hostname), Domain (domain name), and Banner (message of the day). Figure 9.8 shows a sample configuration. Click the Secret Password tab, shown in Figure 9.9, and enter a new password twice. Note that the window represents your password with asterisks.
After you have entered a new hostname, domain name, banner, and enable secret password, click OK at the bottom of the window. The SDM automatically sends the new configuration commands to the router, as shown in Figure 9.10. Click OK again to close that window and return to the Additional Tasks page.
If you return to the Home page at this point, you see your router’s new hostname in the topright corner, as shown in Figure 9.11. You can also click the View Running Config button to see the current configuration of your router.
From the Cisco SDM, configure the following information on the router:
Host: CCNAPrep
Banner: This is a private system and may be accessed only by authorized users. Unauthorized access is
strictly prohibited and will be enforced to the full extent of the law.
Secret Password: mysecretpassword
After you click OK, the router prompts you to enter the new secret password information. Leave the user name field blank, and enter your secret password to keep the SDM session connected.
Router Access
There is another way to configure username and password information using the SDM. On the Additional Tasks page, click Router Access to see what options can be configured using this tool, as shown in Figure 9.12.
Click User Accounts/View. You see a line item with the secret password entry you created in the preceding section with a privilege level of 15 and a username of cisco. If the line item is highlighted, click the Edit option in the top right of the window. You now have the option to change the username, password, and privilege level of this account, as shown in Figure 9.13.
To configure DNS server information in the SDM, click DNS on the Additional Tasks page. In the DNS Properties section, click the Edit button at the top right of the page. A separate DNS Properties window opens, as shown in Figure 9.14. Click the Add button in the DNS properties window to open the Add a DNS server IP address window, shown in Figure 9.15.
In this window you can input the DNS server IP address and click OK. Click OK again in the DNS properties window to add the configurations to the router. Figure 9.16 shows the DNS properties section with the newly configured DNS server information.
From the Additional Tasks page you can also add a DHCP pool to the router. Click DHCP to see the two options for DHCP configurations: DHCP Pools and DHCP Bindings (see Figure 9.17).
In the DHCP drop-down menu, click DHCP Pools, and then click the Add button at the top right of the page. A separate window called Add DHCP Pool opens, as shown in Figure 9.17. The DHCP Pool Name, DHCP Pool Network, Subnet mask, Starting IP, and Ending IP fields are mandatory. The Lease Length section is automatically filled in by the SDM, but you can change it to meet your individual requirements. The remaining fields are optional. Figure 9.18 shows the Add DHCP Pool with the fields filled in for a sample configuration.
As soon as all of the parameters are filled in to your business specifications, click the OK button to configure the router. Figure 9.19 shows the DHCP Pools section with the newly configured DHCP pool properties.