Native IOS Mode Configuration
Figure 18-3 extends the discussion in the previous section to present a conceptual diagram of the Catalyst 6000 Native IOS Mode.
Figure 18-3. Conceptual Diagram of the MSFC Native IOS Mode
In Figure 18-3, the Gigabit Ethernet ports on the Supervisor (1/1 and 1/2) have been configured as fully routed interfaces. Slot 5 contains a Fast Ethernet line card. Ports 5/1–5/3 have been configured as Layer 2 switchports in VLAN 2. Ports 5/4–5/6 have been configured as switchports in VLAN 3. Port 5/10 has been configured as an 802.1Q trunk. Summarized configuration examples are also illustrated in the figure. As shown in Figure 18-3, the Native IOS mode centers around the concept of a virtual router. Physically routed ports such as Gigabit Ethernet 1/1 and 1/2 directly connect to the virtual router.
In the case of switchports, they connect to the router via an SVI. The SVI acts as a logical bridge/switch for the traffic within that VLAN. It is also assigned the Layer 3 characteristics of that VLAN for the purpose of connecting to the virtual router. Trunk links use the magic of ISL and 802.1Q encapsulation to simultaneously connect to multiple VLANs and SVIs.
The sections that follow walk step-by-step through a complete MSFC Native IOS Mode configuration that is similar to the MSM and MSFC configurations shown in Example 18-2 and Example 18-4.
The steps for completing the MSFC Native IOS Mode configuration are as follows:
- Assign a name to the router
- Configure VTP
- Create the VLANs
- Configure the Gigabit Ethernet uplinks as routed interfaces
- Configure the VLAN 2 switchports
- Configure the VLAN 3 switchports
- Configure a trunk switchport
- Configure the SVI interfaces
- Configure routing
Figure 18-4 illustrates the resulting configuration.
Figure 18-4. Conceptual Diagram for Configuration Example
Step 1: Assign a Name to the Router
Using the commands shown in Example 18-15, assign a name to the Catalyst Supervisor.
Example 18-15 Assigning a Name to the Catalyst
Router> en Router# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)# hostname NativeMode NativeMode(config)# end NativeMode#
Step 2: Configure VTP
Configure VTP to place the Catalyst in VTP transparent mode and to use a VTP domain of Skinner as displayed in Example 18-16.
Example 18-16 Configuring VTP
NativeMode# NativeMode# vlan database NativeMode(vlan)# vtp transparent Setting device to VTP TRANSPARENT mode. NativeMode(vlan)# vtp domain Skinner Changing VTP domain name from Null to Skinner
Step 3: Create the VLANs
Create VLANs 2 and 3 in the VLAN database (VLAN 1 exists by default). Use the exit command to apply the VLAN and VTP changes and return to EXEC mode. This is shown in Example 18-17.
Example 18-17 Creating Two New VLANs
NativeMode(vlan)# vlan 2 name Marketing VLAN 2 added: Name: Marketing NativeMode(vlan)# NativeMode(vlan)# vlan 3 name Engineering VLAN 3 added: Name: Engineering NativeMode(vlan)# exit APPLY completed. Exiting…. NativeMode#
- Tip
The apply command can be used to apply the VTP and VLAN changes without leaving the vlan database mode.
Step 4: Configure the Gigabit Ethernet Uplinks As Routed Interfaces
The Gigabit Ethernet uplinks 1/1 and 1/2 are used to connect to the remainder of the network. To maximize Layer 3 hierarchy and scalability, these ports function as routed interfaces. Enter the commands shown in Example 18-18 to complete this task.
Example 18-18 Configuring the Uplink Ports as Routed Interfaces
NativeMode# configure terminal NativeMode(config)# interface gigabitEthernet 1/1 NativeMode(config-if)# ip address NativeMode(config-if)# no shutdown NativeMode(config-if)# NativeMode(config-if)# interface gigabitethernet 1/2 NativeMode(config-if)# ip address NativeMode(config-if)# no shutdown NativeMode(config-if)#
Step 5: Configure the VLAN 2 Switchports
Ports 5/1–5/3 are used as access ports for server connections in VLAN 2. Example 18-19 illustrates these steps.
Example 18-19 Configuring the Access Ports in VLAN 2
NativeMode(config)# interface fastethernet 5/1 NativeMode(config-if)# switchport NativeMode(config-if)# switchport mode access NativeMode(config-if)# switchport access vlan 2 NativeMode(config-if)# interface fastethernet 5/2 NativeMode(config-if)# switchport NativeMode(config-if)# switchport mode access NativeMode(config-if)# switchport access vlan 2 NativeMode(config-if)# interface fastethernet 5/3 NativeMode(config-if)# switchport NativeMode(config-if)# switchport mode access NativeMode(config-if)# switchport access vlan 2
- Tip
When creating similar configurations across many different ports, use the interface range command discussed in the “Useful Native IOS Mode Commands” section later in this chapter.
Step 6: Configure the VLAN 3 Switchports
Ports 5/4 and 5/5 are used as access ports for servers in VLAN 3. The commands shown in Example 18-20 can be used to provide this.
Example 18-20 Configuring the Access Ports in VLAN 3
NativeMode(config-if)# interface fastethernet 5/4 NativeMode(config-if)# switchport NativeMode(config-if)# switchport mode access NativeMode(config-if)# switchport access vlan 3 NativeMode(config-if)# interface fastethernet 5/5 NativeMode(config-if)# switchport NativeMode(config-if)# switchport mode access NativeMode(config-if)# switchport access vlan 3
Step 7: Configure a Trunk Switchport
Port 5/7 is used to carry all three VLANs to Cat-B, a Layer 2 Catalyst. The trunk uses 802.1Q encapsulation with VLAN 1 acting as the native VLAN. The commands in Example 18-21 can be used for this configuration.
Example 18-21 Configuring a Trunk Switchport
NativeMode(config-if)# interface fastethernet 5/6 NativeMode(config-if)# switchport NativeMode(config-if)# switchport mode trunk NativeMode(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q NativeMode(config-if)# switchport trunk native vlan 1
Step 8: Configure the SVI Interfaces
The MSFC requires three SVI interfaces to provide routing services for all three VLANs. As in Example 18-3 and Example 18-6, this configuration uses HSRP on VLANs 1 and 2. All three are configured with IPX network numbers. This is illustrated in Example 18-22.
Example 18-22 Configuring the SVI Interfaces
NativeMode(config)# interface vlan 1 NativeMode(config-if)# ip address NativeMode(config-if)# ipx network 0A000100 NativeMode(config-if)# standby 1 timers 1 3 NativeMode(config-if)# standby 1 priority 200 preempt NativeMode(config-if)# standby 1 ip NativeMode(config-if)# interface vlan 2 NativeMode(config-if)# ip address NativeMode(config-if)# ipx network 0A000200 NativeMode(config-if)# standby 2 timers 1 3 NativeMode(config-if)# standby 2 priority 100 preempt NativeMode(config-if)# standby 2 ip NativeMode(config-if)# interface vlan 3 NativeMode(config-if)# ip address NativeMode(config-if)# ipx network 0A000300
Step 9: Configure Routing
The commands shown in Example 18-23 can be used to configure the MSFC with EIGRP as an IP routing protocol (IPX uses IPX RIP by default).
Example 18-23 Configuring EIGRP as a Routing Protocol
NativeMode(config)# router eigrp 1 NativeMode(config-router)# passive-interface vlan 1 NativeMode(config-router)# passive-interface vlan 2 NativeMode(config-router)# end NativeMode#