To handle HTTP POST requests in Express.js version 4 and above, you need to install the middleware module called body-parser.
body-parser extracts the entire body portion of an incoming request stream and exposes it on req.body.
The middleware was a part of Express.js earlier but now you have to install it separately.
This body-parser module parses the JSON, buffer, string and URL encoded data submitted using HTTP POST request. Install body-parser using NPM as shown below.
npm install body-parser –save
edit in 2019-april-2:
in [email protected] the body-parser middleware bundled with express. for more details see this
Yes we can work without body-parser. When you don’t use that you get the raw request, and your body and headers are not in the root object of request parameter . You will have to individually manipulate all the fields.
Or you can use body-parser, as the express team is maintaining it .
What body-parser can do for you: It simplifies the request.
How to use it: Here is example:
Install npm install body-parser –save
This how to use body-parser in express:
const express = require(‘express’),
app = express(),
bodyParser = require(‘body-parser’);
// support parsing of application/json type post data
//support parsing of application/x-www-form-urlencoded post data
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
And then you can get body and headers in root request object . Example“/posturl”,function(req,res,next){