How to uninstall the Junos Pulse client, from a Windows based PC, by running a script.
- If a customer has deployed Junos Pulse and then needs to uninstall it; there are only a few ways, in which this can be accomplished.
- One way is via a deployment tool, such as Microsoft SCCM client or Altiris.
- Another simpler way is to run a script, after the user has network access.
The script should contain the exact command line shown below. It will silently uninstall the client and all components associated with it.
C:\Program Files\Juniper Networks\Junos Pulse\PulseUninstall.exe /silent=1 _?=C:\Program Files\Juniper Networks\Junos Pulse
Do not use any quotes with the parameters; they are not required and will cause problems, if included.