The management process (mgd) created a child process to execute the indicated command for it. The child process received the indicated signal and exited.
When a UI_CHILD_SIGNALED event occurs, a message similar to the following is reported:
UI_CHILD_SIGNALED: Child received signal: PID 17332, signal Abort trap: 6, core dumped, command='/proc/1533/file'
The cause is due to the mgd module detecting a condition to required sending a signal to a child process. Sometimes this will be an abort signal, in which case a core dump will be generated.
Perform these steps to determine the cause and resolve the problem (if any). Continue through each step until the problem is resolved.
1. Collect the show command output.
Capture the output to a file (in case you have to open a technical support case). To do this, configure each SSH client/terminal emulator to log your session.
show log messages show log chassisd show system core-dumps request support information
2. Analyze the show command output.
In the show log messages output, review the events that occurred at or just before the appearance of the UI_CHILD_SIGNALED message. Frequently these events help identify the cause.
In the show system core-dumps output, check if a core file has been generated; if so, open a case with your technical support representative to investigate the issue further.
3. During a maintenance window, as it will impact transit traffic, try rebooting the Routing Engine. For more information, see request system reboot.
4. If the log messages continue, open a case with your technical support representative to investigate the issue further.