Interface statistics are not clearing via SNMP even though they are showing zeros under the show interface extensive. For all JUNOS platform, the interfaces statistics are not clearing via snmp after they are clear from the cli. Please take a look to the following outputs, Topology: Mx480(ge-5/2/0.0).1 --------------.2 (ge3/0/1.0)m120 - Addressing: 10.10.10/30 OID: … [Read more...]
SNMP counters (ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifHCInOctets and ifHCOutOctets) do not count the Ethernet Header (14 bytes)
This article describes the issue of the SNMP counters (ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifHCInOctets, and ifHCOutOctets) not counting the Ethernet Header (14 bytes). As per RFC 2665, the four OID's (ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifHCInOctets, and ifHCOutOctets) should be adding the framing characters for the interface. However, in Juniper's implementation, the traffic statistics that are … [Read more...]