The SAVAL_RTSOCK_FAILURE message is reported into the system message file whenever the MAC SA Validate system process (jsavald) experiences an error with a routing socket. The jsavald process performs IP and MAC address validation for dynamic IP demux interfaces in a dynamic profile. This article documents an approach to troubleshoot this problem.
This is supported on MX Series routers only.
The problem related to this syslog message is described in the following sections:
The SAVAL_RTSOCK_FAILURE message is logged each time the jsavald process encounters an error with a routing socket.
When the SAVAL_RTSOCK_FAILURE event occurs, a message similar to the following is reported:
SAVAL_RTSOCK_FAILURE: Error with rtsock: <error-message>
The message includes the socket error.
The cause of this message could be a software issue within the process or may be due to another event on the router.
Examine the following output to help determine the cause of this message:
show log messages
Look for any related events that occurred at or just before the SAVAL_RTSOCK_FAILURE message. Any other events may have caused this message, such as a commit. If so, the jsavald process error with a routing socket may be due to that one type of event occurring.