You could use commons lang’s ArrayUtils.
array = ArrayUtils.removeElement(array, element) library:Javadocs
Your question isn’t very clear. From your own answer, I can tell better what you are trying to do:
public static String[] removeElements(String[] input, String deleteMe) {
List result = new LinkedList();
for(String item : input)
return result.toArray(input);
NB: This is untested. Error checking is left as an exercise to the reader (I’d throw IllegalArgumentException if either input or deleteMe is null; an empty list on null list input doesn’t make sense. Removing null Strings from the array might make sense, but I’ll leave that as an exercise too; currently, it will throw an NPE when it tries to call equals on deleteMe if deleteMe is null.)
Choices I made here:
I used a LinkedList. Iteration should be just as fast, and you avoid any resizes, or allocating too big of a list if you end up deleting lots of elements. You could use an ArrayList, and set the initial size to the length of input. It likely wouldn’t make much of a difference.