Network Security FAQ: Understanding Defenses
Q1. Standards for digital IDs and certificates are defined in which of the following documents?
a. RFC 509
b. CCITT X.509
c. RFC 905
d. CCITT X.905
Q2. List four parameters of a digital ID.
Q3. A host IDS can be embedded in a networking device, a standalone appliance, or a module monitoring the network traffic. True or False?
Q4. Hardware keys are examples of which of the following?
a. Firewalls
b. PC cardbased solutions
c. Digital IDs
d. Biometrics
Q5. What processes are covered in physical security policies?
Q6. List two protocols that can be used for encrypted logins.
Q7. Which three functional areas can be connected to a firewall?
Q8. Which of the following are default PIX firewall interfaces?
a. Inside
b. Encrypted
c. Outside
d. Virtual private network (VPN)
Q9. What is file encryption?
Q10. List four of the most common biometric technologies.