How to find flapped routes that are older or newer than a specific time.
In some circumstances, such as when you need to find the most recent flapped routes, you need to find the routes that are newer than a specific time. Usually this is done by manually post-processing the output from the show route command to find the routes. You can also use a hidden CLI command to do this, as shown below.
Use the following hidden CLI command to find the most recent flapped routes:
root@srx-re0> show route newer-than ?
Possible completions:
<time> Time specification (YYYY-MM-DD.HH:MM or N seconds ago)
Similarly, use the following hidden CLI command to find routes older than a specific time:
root@srx-re0> show route older-than ?
Possible completions:
<time> Time specification (YYYY-MM-DD.HH:MM or N seconds ago)