Exception Handling – ORACLE PL/SQL Chapter Wise Interview Questions
Question 1:
It is a built in function. – This enables you to specified user defined error messages.
RAISE_APPLICATlON_ERROR(errnum, ’errmsg ’). errnum:it
indicates an error number that contains any value between – 20,000 to -20,999.
Question 2:
What is Exception Handling?
PL/SQL provides a feature to handle the Exceptions which occur in a PL/SQL Block known as exception Handling. Using Exception Handling we can test the code and avoid it from exiting abruptly. When an exception occurs a message which explains its cause is received.
PL/SQL Exception message consists of three parts.
- Type of Exception
- An Error Code
- A message
By handling the exceptions we can ensure a PL/SQL block does not exit abruptly.
Question 3:
What is the general structure of Exception Handling?
The General Syntax for coding the exception section
DECLARE Declaration section BEGIN Exception section EXCEPTION WHEN ex_name1 THEN -Error handling statements WHEN ex_name2 THEN -Error handling statements ... END;
General PL/SQL statements can be used in the Exception Block.
Question 4:
How to write Nested Exceptions?
DECLARE Declaration section BEGIN DECLARE Declaration section BEGIN Execution section EXCEPTION Exception section END; EXCEPTION Exception section END;
In the above case, if the exception is raised in the inner block it should be handled in the exception block of the inner PL/SQL block else the control moves to the Exception block of the next upper PL/SQL Block. If none of the blocks handle the exception the program ends abruptly with an error.
Question 5:
What are the different types of Exception?
There are 3 types of Exceptions:
- Named System Exceptions
- Unnamed System Exceptions
- User-defined Exceptions
Question 6:
What are the Named & Unnamed Exceptions?
- Named System Exceptions:
System exceptions are automatically raised by Oracle, when a program violates a RDBMS rule. There are some system exceptions which are raised frequently, so they are pre-defined and given a name in Oracle which is known as Named System Exceptions.
For example: NO_DATA_FOUND and ZERO_DIVIDE are called Named System exceptions.
Named system exceptions are:
- Not Declared explicitly,
- Raised implicitly when a predefined Oracle error occurs,
- Caught by referencing the standard name within an exception-handling routine.
- Unnamed System Exceptions:
Those system exception for which oracle does not provide a name is known as unnamed system exception. These exceptions do not occur frequently. These Exceptions have a code and an associated message.
There are two ways to handle unnamed system exceptions:
- By using the WHEN OTHERS exception handler, or
- By associating the exception code to a name and using it as a named exception.
We can assign a name to unnamed system exceptions using a Pragma called EXCEPTION_NIT.
EXCEPTION_INIT will associate a predefined Oracle error number to a programmer defined exception name.
Question 7:
Explain RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR & its purpose.
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR is a built-in procedure in oracle which is used to display the user-defined error messages along with the error number whose range is in between -20000 and – 20999.
Whenever a message is displayed using
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR, all previous transactions which are not committed within the PL/SQL Block are rolled back automatically (i.e. change due to INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements).
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR raises an exception but does not handle it.
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR is used for the following reasons,
- To create a unique id for a user-defined exception.
- To make the user-defined exception look like an Oracle error.
The General Syntax to use this procedure is:
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (error_number, error_message);
- The Error number must be between -20000 and -20999
- The Error_message is the message you want to display when the error occurs.
Question 8:
What are the steps involved to use
Steps to be followed to use RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR procedure:
- Declare a user-defined exception in the declaration section.
- Raise the user-defined exception based on a specific business rule in the execution section.
- Finally, catch the exception and link the exception to a user-defined error number in RAISE_APPLlCATION_ERROR.
Question 9:
Any three PL/SQL Exceptions?
Too_many_rows, No_Data_Found, Value_Error, Zero_Error, Others .