You need to specify data, index and columns to DataFrame constructor, as in:
>>> pd.DataFrame(data=data[1:,1:], # values
… index=data[1:,0], # 1st column as index
… columns=data[0,1:]) # 1st row as the column names
edit: as in the @joris comment, you may need to change above to np.int_(data[1:,1:]) to have correct data type.
Here is an easy to understand solution
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# Creating a 2 dimensional numpy array
>>> data = np.array([[5.8, 2.8], [6.0, 2.2]])
>>> print(data)
>>> data
array([[5.8, 2.8],
[6. , 2.2]])
# Creating pandas dataframe from numpy array
>>> dataset = pd.DataFrame({‘Column1’: data[:, 0], ‘Column2’: data[:, 1]})
>>> print(dataset)
Column1 Column2
0 5.8 2.8
1 6.0 2.2