Cisco Network Mgmt Protocol FAQ: Setting the Stage
1. Explain the term network management in one sentence.
2. We used a patient in intensive care as one analogy to explain network management. Can you think of areas in network management that this analogy does not capture?
3. Can you think of other areas in which you would expect analogies to network management to apply?
4. Give two examples of how network management can help an enterprise IT department save money.
5. Give two examples of how network management can help a service provider increase revenue.
6. A famous requirement for availability is “five nines.” This refers to the requirement that a device or a service must be available 99.999 percent of the time. Assume that you have a device with hardware availability of 99.9995 percent. Now assume that an operational error is made that causes the device to go offline for 5 minutes until the error is corrected. Calculated over a period of a month, how much has the operational error just caused availability to drop?
7. How does the perspective under which network management is approached often differ for an enterprise IT department compared to a service provider?
8. Name at least two factors that can be important to the business success of a third-party management application vendor that potentially has to compete with a network management offering of a network equipment vendor.
9. What does the term swivel-chair syndrome refer to, and why is this undesired?
10. Name two or more reasons for network management applications to be approached as distributed systems.
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