Use the Instr function
Dim pos As Integer
pos = InStr(“find the comma, in the string”, “,”)
will return 15 in pos
If not found it will return 0
If you need to find the comma with an excel formula you can use the =FIND(“,”;A1) function.
Notice that if you want to use Instr to find the position of a string case-insensitive use the third parameter of Instr and give it the const vbTextCompare (or just 1 for die-hards).
Dim posOf_A As Integer
posOf_A = InStr(1, “find the comma, in the string”, “A”, vbTextCompare)
will give you a value of 14.
Note that you have to specify the start position in this case as stated in the specification I linked: The start argument is required if compare is specified.
You can also use the special word like:
Public Sub Search()
If “My Big String with, in the middle” Like “*,*” Then
Debug.Print (“Found ‘,'”)
End If
End Sub