I just finished an assignment with the same objective; doing a bubble-sort on user input with the assumption that the user input is a string of ten characters that are letters. I commented the crap out of it so feel free to use as a reference. The assignment hasn’t been graded yet, I just hope they won’t think I cheated because they found this on the web.
# Data
prompt: .asciiz “nnEnter up to 10 characters: ” # Prompt asking for user input
newLine: .asciiz “n” # Newline character
theString: .asciiz ” ” # A ten character string initially filled with whitespace
# Text
##### Procedure: Main
##### Info: Asks user for input, gets input, and then call
##### procedures to manipulate the input and output.
# Print Prompt
la $a0, prompt # Load address of prompt from memory into $a0
li $v0, 4 # Load Opcode: 4 (print string)
syscall # Init syscall
# Read User Input into address of theString
la $a0,theString # Load address of theString into syscall argument a0
li $a1,11 # Load sizeOfInput+1 into syscall argument a1
li $v0,8 # Load Opcode: 8 (Read String)
# Define total num of chars
li $s7,10 # s7 upper index
# Call procedures
jal uppercase
jal sort
jal print
j exit
############################################# main END #######################################################
##### Procedure: uppercase
##### Info: Loops through the ten elements of chars gathered from
##### user input and if ascii is in range between 97
##### and 122, it will subtract 32 and store back
la $s0, theString # Load base address to theString into $t0
add $t6,$zero,$zero # Set index i = 0 ($t6)
# Check for sentinal val and if true
# branch to done to jump back to ra
beq $t6,$s7,done
# Load Array[i]
add $s2,$s0,$t6 #
lb $t1,0($s2)
# if char is within lowercase
# range.
sgt $t2,$t1,96
slti $t3,$t1,123
and $t3,$t2,$t3
# else, don’t store byte
beq $t3,$zero,isUpper
addi $t1,$t1,-32
sb $t1, 0($s2)
# increment and Jump back
addi $t6,$t6,1
j lupper
############################################# uppercase END ##################################################
##### Procedure: sort
##### Info: Bubble sorts whatever is contained within
##### theString based on ascii values
# Initialize incrementer for outer
# loop
add $t0,$zero,$zero
# Outer Loop
# Check for sentinal val and if true
# branch to done
beq $t0,$s7,done
# Initialize upper bound of inner
# loop ( 10 – i – 1 )
sub $t7,$s7,$t0
addi $t7,$t7,-1
# Initialize incrementer for inner
# loop
add $t1,$zero,$zero
# Inner Loop
# Check for sentinal val and if true
# branch to continue
beq $t1,$t7,continue
# Load Array[i] and Array[i+1]
add $t6,$s0,$t1
lb $s1,0($t6)
lb $s2,1($t6)
# If ascii(Array[i]) > ascii(Array[i+1])
# then swap and store
sgt $t2, $s1,$s2
# Else, don’t swap and store
beq $t2, $zero, good
sb $s2,0($t6)
sb $s1,1($t6)
# increment and Jump back
addi $t1,$t1,1
j jLoop
# increment and Jump back
addi $t0,$t0,1
j loop
############################################# sort END #######################################################
##### Procedure: Print
##### Info: Prints whatever is stored inside theString
# Print a new line
la $a0,newLine
li $v0,4
# Initialize incrementer for loop
add $t6,$zero,$zero # Set index i = 0 $t6
# Check for sentinal val and if true
# branch to done
beq $t6,$s7,done
# Load Array[i] into t1 and print
add $t1,$s0,$t6
lb $a0, 0($t1) # Load argument
li $v0, 11 # Load opcode
syscall # Call syscall
# increment and Jump back
addi $t6,$t6,1
j lprint
############################################# print END ######################################################
##### Procedure: done
##### Info: Jumps to $ra. Only one procedure is needed to jump back to ra
jr $ra
line 30: You are moving step by step in your array and modifying your array pointer.
After the first and all subsequent forloops you need to reload the address of your array before executing forloop again otherwise it is pointing at the wrong place.