Syslog message: ASP_PGCP_IPC_MSG_WRITE_FAILED: The Packet Gateway Control Protocol (PGCP) client on the MultiServices Physical Interface Card (PIC) could not write an interprocess communication (IPC) message to the end of its pipe.
The problem related to this syslog message is described in the following sections:
An example of this message is as follows:
Feb 8 18:09:23 T320 (FPC Slot 0, PIC Slot 1) {L2TP_data}[FWNAT]:ASP_PGCP_IPC_MSG_WRITE_FAILED: Unable to write IPC message (type 23, subtype 13): status code 1
The Packet Gateway Control Protocol (PGCP) client on the MultiServices Physical Interface Card (PIC) could not write the contents of its InterProcess Communication (IPC) pipe to the socket layer.
This error is a failure between the PGCP and the socket layer of the Services PIC. Look for the error in the following output:
show log messages show log pgmd